I would class myself as a typical small developer/independant designer and I recently purchased some new hardware for the office and thought I better organise myself better than I have in the past.
So I am wondering how you all organise all your files etc so that you can find them easily enough, and relate them together.
Currently I have a webserver running on the desktop, and I have a folders called Projects, closed projects, etc and these each contain a folder with the client/website name and it contains their web folders structure. But what do you do with all the other files, typically I receive PSD's, zip files with CSS layouts, images, content documentation, emails, logos, specs, project documentation, PDFs to upload to the site etc.
Do you use another single folder (my documents) with a client name for each or is there a better way to keep control of all your client folders.
This is aimed particularly at programmers who get lots of information/resources from clients/managers and so I think its an important programming question on how you set yourself up, because a clean setup results in better coding.