This is question for philosophers in .net. I`m understanding, that Microsoft consciously denied using private classes. So, what are their arguments, why they did so?
For example I'm building big application, and part of it is Report Tool. This tool is using lot of business objects, but these objects, are used only there, and they are useless for other parts of project. I want to encapsulate them for a tool
Great decision is creating separate project in VS for this tool, and I'll do like that, but I'm interesting, what if I can't do this - for exmple our architecture wasn`t good enough, and we have big single project.
Behind "private class" I mean a class that can't be used in any other namespace, except its own.
My question was not - how can I simulate this, or do in another way. I'm just wondering, why not use private keyword with class keyword without any parent classes. I`m thinking there should be some reason, and I want to know it