



performance ? architecture ? the system in question will always be a MS SQL database there is an existing DAL but there will be refactoring done on the system and Linq-to-SQL seems a good candidate to avoid maintaining a DAL or SP's

+1  A: 

For advantages, see the accepted answer on this related question:

For disadvantages, you may be interested in the discussion at this related question:

thanks, this helped me realize MS sucks again ... deprecating L2S ?! wow im never learning new techs from MS ever again, I'll prob just go back to c/c++ at least it lasted more than 5 years
@codewrath: L2S isn't deprecated, even in .NET 4. According to the MS guy who came to my workplace when we upgraded to VS2010, MS teams are still supporting and both growing L2S and L2E. Could've been salespeak, of course, but even so, I wouldn't worry about deprecation any time in the immediate future.
thanks, we're trying to measure the impact of moving towards l2s, but it seems it would be better to just jump straight to EF but it looks like even a more traditional code generator to handle DAL layer might even be better in the long run