The short answer to your question is that I would go with reading a single byte at a time. Unfortunately its one of those cases where there are pros and cons for both cases.
For the use of a buffer is the fact that the implementation can be more efficient from the perspective of the network IO. Against the use of a buffer, I think that the code will be inherently more complex than the single byte version. So its an efficiency vs complexity trade off. The good news is that you can implement the simple solution first, profile the result and "upgrage" to a buffered approach if testing shows it to be worthwhile.
Also, just to note, as a thought experiment I wrote some pseudo code for a loop that does buffer based reads of http packets, included below. The complexity to implement a buffered read doesn't seem to bad. Note however that I haven't given much consideration to error handling, or tested if this will work at all. However, it should avoid excessive "double handling" of data, which is important since that would reduce the efficiency gains which were the purpose of this approach.
#define CHUNK_SIZE 1024
nextHttpBytesRead = 0;
nextHttp = NULL;
while (1)
size_t httpBytesRead = nextHttpBytesRead;
size_t thisHttpSize;
char *http = nextHttp;
char *temp;
char *httpTerminator;
temp = realloc(httpBytesRead + CHUNK_SIZE);
if (NULL == temp)
http = temp;
httpBytesRead += read(httpSocket, http + httpBytesRead, CHUNK_SIZE);
httpTerminator = strstr(http, "\r\n\r\n");
}while (NULL == httpTerminator)
thisHttpSize = ((int)httpTerminator - (int)http + 4; // Include terminator
nextHttpBytesRead = httpBytesRead - thisHttpSize;
// Adding CHUNK_SIZE here means that the first realloc won't have to do any work
nextHttp = malloc(nextHttpBytesRead + CHUNK_SIZE);
memcpy(nextHttp, http + thisHttpSize, nextHttpSize);
http[thisHttpSize] = '\0';