



$str = 'BEGIN This is a "quote" test. \'Single\' END';
echo $str . "\n";
echo mysql_real_escape_string($str);

// Outputs:
BEGIN This is a "quote" test. 'Single' END
BEGIN This is a \"quote\" test. \'Single\' END

Running PHP 5.3.2 on CentOS. As far as I can remember, mysql_real_escape_string() will only escape single quotes to prevent sql injections. Double quotes have nothing to do with that, because " does not start or end a string literal in MySQL!

This is causing backslashes to get inserted into the data! Something I clearly do not want.

+3  A: 

" does start a string in MySQL. (See: Strings)


If the ANSI_QUOTES SQL mode is enabled, string literals can be quoted only within single quotation marks because a string quoted within double quotation marks is interpreted as an identifier.

OK I see that now... it seems I had been using addslashes() in my library's escape function. But if I insert this into the database, i.e.`INSERT INTO myTable VALUES ('BEGIN This is a \"quote\" test. \'Single\' END')`will the backslash-double-quote turn into just `"` or will the backslash be carried with it into the data? This means when I get the data out I would have to strip the backslash out.
Michael Butler
`\"` will be converted to `"` ;)
ok thanks nikic I got scared for a second there. something else then is causing backslashes to be inserted in my data. (No it's not magic quotes)
Michael Butler

Sounds like magic quotes got turned on.

This post details your problem exactly, along with fixes. http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showthread.php?t=545824

thanks but magic quotes wasn't turned on. the problem actually was that my code was escaping the data twice (once in a local function and again in a library function), which resulted in `"` becoming `\"` and then becoming `\\"` which would become `\"` after insertion into database. The accepted answer cleared my confusion up.
Michael Butler
well, to be fair, extra quotes is exactly what the problem was. So while I couldn't have fathomed that your code did it elsewhere, i did accurately diagnose the cause, just not the agent ;-)
Michael Butler