Ok, no idea why a multi-billion dollar company skimps on array functions for their flagship SQL servers This is why people use MySQL Server. Ok, enough ranting. Using SQL 2005.
Let's say i received an array via checkbox from another page using the querystring method:
intTask = request.querystring("task")
For this example, intTask = "1,3,5"
Then I used the query
SELECT user.Task FROM user WHERE (user.Task in (" & intTask & "))
This gives an error of:
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '1, 2' to data type int
The array in the User.task column here = 1,2. NVARCHAR is the data type. intTask is a string. No idea why SQL is trying to convert the column to integers when its suppose to be a string comparison. I already know about the SQL injection vulnerability, that taken care of with another script for the page.
OK. Well how does one compare arrays using SQl Server 2005 ? I can't seem to find any SQL functions that will iterate through 2 strings and compare for all matching values.
For example
intTask = 1,2
user.task = 3,5,7,2,9
Because of the 2's, I should get a recordset because the 2's exist in both arrays
Is there an SQL function that will handle two arrays and iterate through the arrays to find matching items. Something like:
intTask = "1,3,5"
user("task") = "3,5,2"
ARR1 = split(intTask,",")
ARR2 = split(user("task"),",")
for i=0 to UBound(arr1)
for j=0 to UBound(arr2)
if(arr1(i) = arr2(j)) then
common_found = true
end if
Thanks in advance