




Hello all. What's the latest for using VimClojure with Clojure 1.2?

I've tried the instructions from a number of different pages that tell me how to set up Clojure, Leiningen and VimClojure, but I can't get any of them to properly start the REPL. There is always an exception raised from a forName() call.

I read this could possibly be due to an incompatibility between VimClojure and Clojure 1.2.

Has anyone gotten this combination to work? Can you post instructions/hints?

+1  A: 

The latest release 2.1.2 is not compatible with Clojure 1.2 due to some change in the reader. The next release will work with 1.2. There are just a few things left to be ironed out before the release is ready. So stay tuned.

EDIT: There is a google group where you can get support with VimClojure. Or you may drop me an email directly: my initials at kotka dot de.


Yeah, setting up vimclojure can be a pain, but I got it working (for the most part). I documented my steps here: http://greengiraffe.posterous.com/setting-up-vimclojure

Elben Shira