Hello, I am using the below function to split the pdf into two.
Though it is spliting the pdf, the content is appearing upside down. How do I rotate it by 180 degrees.
Please help. below is the code for the same
private static void ExtractPages(string inputFile, string outputFile,
int start, int end)
// get input document
PdfReader inputPdf = new PdfReader(inputFile);
// retrieve the total number of pages
int pageCount = inputPdf.NumberOfPages;
if (end < start || end > pageCount)
end = pageCount;
// load the input document
Document inputDoc =
new Document(inputPdf.GetPageSizeWithRotation(1));
// create the filestream
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(outputFile, FileMode.Create))
// create the output writer
PdfWriter outputWriter = PdfWriter.GetInstance(inputDoc, fs);
PdfContentByte cb1 = outputWriter.DirectContent;
// copy pages from input to output document
for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
PdfImportedPage page =
outputWriter.GetImportedPage(inputPdf, i);
int rotation = inputPdf.GetPageRotation(i);
if (rotation == 90 || rotation == 270)
cb1.AddTemplate(page, 0, -1f, 1f, 0, 0,
cb1.AddTemplate(page, 1f, 0, 0, 1f, 0, 0);