This is related to, but I want the syntax highlighter to only highlight the elements if it detects the html5 doctype at the first line of the file. Is there an easy way to do this?
You would add something like this to the top of the html.vim
syntax file:
if getline(1) =~? '<!DOCTYPE html>' let b:html5 = 1 else let b:html5 = 0 endif
And then throughout the syntax file you can use if b:html5
to check if html5 is being used for the current buffer.
if b:html5 " new html 5 tags syn keyword htmlTagName contained video canvas endif
too much php
2010-08-27 03:47:43
This is pretty great. I assume the =~? '' bit would be replaced with either a regex or a string, i.e., =~? '<!doctype html>'?
2010-08-27 12:20:48
Yes, sorry the angle brackets made everything disappear.
too much php
2010-08-29 22:50:19