Is a WebDAV client, per RFC, able to update the modification-date timestamp of a file. WebDAV lists this as the "getlastmodified" property. Being able to do a utime() on files is quite important when moving files as I regard mtime as essential file metadata. But for example doing a propset with cadaver (which I regard as a kind of reference implementation of WebDAV) it constantly maps the getlastmodifed property into is own namespace, thus directing the call away from the actual on-disk file timestamo which could be updated via utime...
Example PROPPATCH request sent by cadaver:
<D:propertyupdate xmlns:D="DAV:">
<DAV:getlastmodified xmlns="">Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT</DAV:getlastmodified>
I've got a server running which would update the getlastmodifed property, if only it wasn't mapped into a different namespace...