I was wondering if anyone knows what's up with this html string code:
<object height=\\\"38\" + \"5\\\" width=\\\"64\" + \"0\\\" classid=\\\"clsid:D27CDB6E-
AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\\\" id=\\\"movie_player\\\" ><param name=\\\"movie\\\"
name=\\\"flashvars\\\" value=\\\"...." allowscriptaccess=\\\"always\\\"
allowfullscreen=\\\"true\\\" bgcolor=\\\"#000000\\\" \\/>
It looks horrible... It is embedded in a JavaScript function, to later be rendered to the page. Can anyone tell me how I can clean it using say Html Agility Pack or possibly RegEx although it looks messy!
Important aspect is getting the height=\\\"38\" + \"5\\\"
to become height="385"
etc. I can get rid of the excesses slashes no problem.
Really appreciate any guidance.
Edit: in the end this is what I used to complete the tags
objectNodeFormat.Replace(@"\", "");
objectNodeFormat.Replace(@" + ", "");
objectNodeFormat.Replace(@"""""", "");
Thanks again.