



Hello i'm trying to consume a WS written in nusoap from Silverlight; when i add WSDL service reference, in VS21010, i see listed all WS functions. I instanciate object in my code behind:

serviceclient cl=new serviceclient();

but when i digit cl. i cannot see ws methods in intellisense. Why?

The same thing, made in a windows form application runs fine.

Can you help me please??

Greetings, c.


Did you inspect the Reference.cs file that VS2010 generated for your Service Reference? The file I mentioned resides in the directory [projectfolder]/ServicesReferences/[YourServiceReferenceName]

Oliver Weichhold
I'll go to check it; what can i modify in this file?
You shouldn't modify it because its autogenerated but you could at least check if it contains anything meaningful.
Oliver Weichhold
it does not contain expected methods i'm waiting but i don't see errors at all. If i make a non-silverlight project instead i see all web service method, so it seems like a Silverlight issue...
Which version of SL are you using?
vc 74

I had issues like this with Silverlight 3. Does the reference.cs contain any information at all?

James Smith
no, it does not contain WS methods but it does not contain any errors/infos

Check out the register method. There is parameter called Use. Make sure you pass it as 'literal' and style as 'rpc' . Make sure your ComplexType if you have, does not use 'Soap-Enc:arrayType'.

Rohit Raisinghani