



Had there been no System.Random class, how would have you generated a random number?

Are there any known algorithms or have you guys ever designed one?

+5  A: 

True random numbers can only be generated "outside" a computer, using radioactivity counts and such. Some VIA processors have hardware to do so.

Volume two of The Art of Computer Programming by Don Knuth spends a lot of time discussing exhaustively various pseudo-random number implementations from a mathematical background. Recommended reading.

Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
+1 you can't get a real random number via any programming language.
Danny Chen
Via any _deterministic_ programming language. But many aren't, in fact. E.g. create two threads, and let them race to a mutex. You get less than one bit of entropy that way, but it is really random.

You can't really generate a truly random number with our current deterministic computers. There are, however, many different ways to generate pseudorandom numbers. See pseudorandom number generator on wikipedia for some information on the algorithms.

+1  A: 

Take a look at the Mersenne Twister. I belive this is the same algorithm implemented by System.Random, it is very common non cryptographically secure PRNG with a good random distribution.

Chris Taylor
+1  A: 

Like the other answers say, its not possible to generate true random numbers with a computer, but as for pseudo-random, one algorithm that I've used before is the Linear Congruential Generator, its simple and fast, but I'm sure there are much better alternatives.

Edit: Grammar
