



Let's say I have a Window with a property returning a Command (in fact, it's a UserControl with a Command in a ViewModel class, but let's keep things as simple as possible to reproduce the problem).

The following works:

<Window x:Class="Window1" ... x:Name="myWindow">
        <MenuItem Command="{Binding MyCommand, ElementName=myWindow}" Header="Test" />

But the following does not work.

<Window x:Class="Window1" ... x:Name="myWindow">
                <MenuItem Command="{Binding MyCommand, ElementName=myWindow}" Header="Test" />

The error message I get is

System.Windows.Data Error: 4 : Cannot find source for binding with reference 'ElementName=myWindow'. BindingExpression:Path=MyCommand; DataItem=null; target element is 'MenuItem' (Name=''); target property is 'Command' (type 'ICommand')

Why? And how do I fix this? Using the DataContext is not an option, since this problem occurs way down the visual tree where the DataContext already contains the actual data being displayed. I already tried using {RelativeSource FindAncestor, ...} instead, but that yields a similar error message.

EDIT (Solution): Based on HCLs answer, this is what I ended up using:

<Window x:Class="Window1" ... x:Name="myWindow">
    <Grid Tag="{Binding ElementName=myWindow}">
                <MenuItem Command="{Binding Parent.PlacementTarget.Tag.MyCommand, 
                                            RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"
                          Header="Test" />
+1  A: 

See this article from Justin Taylor for a workaround.