I have been writing a WPF DESKTOP application using NHibernate, WPF, Prism and Unity Container but have a problem in terms of Session Management in Services / Repositories and how to do it cleanly through dependency injection using Unity.
Having read Building A Desktop To Do-Application With NHibernate I now have a Session Per ViewModel / Presenter.
However, if I have several services on my viewmodel I have to pass the Session into each and every service which seems cumbersome and not quite right as I want to perform all data access through a repository.
service1.Session = SessionForThisPresenter;
service2.Session = SessionForThisPresenter;
service3.Session = SessionForThisPresenter;
Each service is essentially a facade over a repository and I would want each repository for this presenter to be involved in the same session without explicitly setting it.
Any advice on how to handle this would be most appreciated as I am sure there is a solution quite close but I am not sure how to do it.