



I feel like a complete klutz, I had this working and then I accidentally forgot to save it! I'm an idiot. I've spent the last day trying to recreate what I had but I can't do it. Basically (from my last save) I had this:

function canvasMove(e) {

    if(!e) var e = window.event;

    var downcheck;
    var upcheck;
    var leftcheck;
    var rightcheck;

    if(e.keyCode == '38') {

        if(up + down == 0) downcheck = false;
        else downcheck = true; 



    if(e.keyCode == '40') {

        if(up + down > HEIGHT - 110) upcheck = false;
        else upcheck = true; 

    if(e.keyCode == '37') { 

        if(left + right == 0) rightcheck = false;
        else rightcheck = true;

    if(e.keyCode == "39") { 
        if(left + right > WIDTH - 110) leftcheck = false;
        else leftcheck = true; 

    if(leftcheck == true) { left += 10; counting() };
    if(rightcheck == true) { right -= 10; counting() };
    if(upcheck == true) { up += 10; counting(true) };
    if(downcheck == true) { down -= 10; counting(true) };


The problem of course being that Javascrpt doesn't support the ability to check if two keys are being pressed at the same time. What I want to accomplish is when the user pressed up and left they'll move diagonally. Ignore the "counting" function, it's just to keep track of how much the user has moved.

I managed to accomplish this with just else and if statements, no less! So I was wondering if you guys could give it a shot. The first if statement in each key if statement is so the user can't leave the canvas box. Then I have a function that moves the user by redrawing the canvas.

function redraw() {
    draw.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)';
    draw.fillRect(left + right, up + down, '100', '100');   

The "clear" function is just a simple function that clears the entire canvas. This is all controlled by an init function that looks like this:

function init() {
    canvas = document.getElementById('game');
    HEIGHT = canvas.height;
    WIDTH = canvas.width;
    draw = canvas.getContext('2d');

    setInterval(redraw, 30);

    document.onkeydown = canvasMove;
+1  A: 

Your -check flags need to be global variables rather than function-scoped variables, otherwise they will never stay set between keydown events (handling only one key at a time). You also need a keyup event handler that will unset the correct flag when a key is released.

Damn! I my problem was I didn't realise the difference between global and local variables. In my original version I'd been using global variables, and in this one I'd been using local ones. You live and learn, eh?