



Hi, I have 3 projects in my VS solution. 1 is a web app, the other is a windows service and the last one a setup project for my web app.

What i want is by the end of the installation of the web app in my setup project, within my custom action to try and install my windows service given that i have the location of the assembly by then.

Thanks for all the help in advance.

+3  A: 

Please have a look at this article.

Sometimes you may want to install a Windows Service programmatically, but the target machine does not have InstallUtil.exe.

Add a reference to System.Configuration.Install

Use this code:

public static void InstallService(string ExeFilename)


    System.Configuration.Install.AssemblyInstaller Installer = new  System.Configuration.Install.AssemblyInstaller(ExeFilename);

    Installer.UseNewContext = true;




To uninstall:

public static void UninstallService(string ExeFilename)

    System.Configuration.Install.AssemblyInstaller Installer = new  System.Configuration.Install.AssemblyInstaller(ExeFilename);

    Installer.UseNewContext = true;


i have tried that already but it doesn't work. No exceptions or whatever, it just doesn't install the service
May be full path or credentials problem> U can try writing a simple service.Have you also tried using the above url where SCM calling appropriate APIs using P/Invoke in C#
i ll try it the hard way and will come with feedback, thx
the api/pinvoke way did the job. Apparently the easy way requires an installer to be included in the windows service project.. or so i think.
my compiler complains that AssemblyInstaller(ExeFilename) consumes more than one argument - it actually seems to have 3 overloads - one has no args, the other two have 2 args each. has something been changed since you guys posted this?
i am un-accepting this answer since it didn't worked for me and for others. I will provide my own answer shortly.
+7  A: 

Ok, here is what REALLY worked for me, it has been tested on multiple machines with different OS ( Vista, XP, Win2k, Win2003 server )

The code has been taken from here so full credit goes to whoever wrote this piece of code.

You can find the source file here or you may as well grab this dll that i prepared for you.

Once you add the dll or source file into your project make sure to add the ServiceTools namespace and then you have access to some very handy functionality such as...

//Installs and starts the service
ServiceInstaller.InstallAndStart("MyServiceName", "MyServiceDisplayName", "C:\PathToServiceFile.exe");

//Removes the service

//Checks the status of the service

//Starts the service

//Stops the service

//Check if service is installed

I hope this helps.


I've posted an answer that contains some bugfixes to the code you posted. Have a look at the discussion thread that you found the code in, and you'll see that the author of the code realizes that there are some bugs in it.
Lars A. Brekken
The post that I refer to is:, I found another bug or two where the service handle was not released.
Lars A. Brekken

Even i have three projects. From client i need to call the server. The server is the Windows Service which has to installed with the SetUp.But where shall i use it??? I want to install the service with the SETUP.

Create an Installer class within your client project. Then go to your setup project right click and go to Custom Actions for every custom action set your client's primary output as the custom action. In the installer class you must override the OnCommit and install the service with the above sample.
+3  A: 

I found several errors in the code that you reused and have fixed these and also cleaned it up a little. Again, the original code is taken from here.

public static class ServiceInstaller
    private const int STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED = 0xF0000;
    private const int SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS = 0x00000010;

    private class SERVICE_STATUS
        public int dwServiceType = 0;
        public ServiceState dwCurrentState = 0;
        public int dwControlsAccepted = 0;
        public int dwWin32ExitCode = 0;
        public int dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0;
        public int dwCheckPoint = 0;
        public int dwWaitHint = 0;

    #region OpenSCManager
    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "OpenSCManagerW", ExactSpelling = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
    static extern IntPtr OpenSCManager(string machineName, string databaseName, ScmAccessRights dwDesiredAccess);

    #region OpenService
    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    static extern IntPtr OpenService(IntPtr hSCManager, string lpServiceName, ServiceAccessRights dwDesiredAccess);

    #region CreateService
    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    private static extern IntPtr CreateService(IntPtr hSCManager, string lpServiceName, string lpDisplayName, ServiceAccessRights dwDesiredAccess, int dwServiceType, ServiceBootFlag dwStartType, ServiceError dwErrorControl, string lpBinaryPathName, string lpLoadOrderGroup, IntPtr lpdwTagId, string lpDependencies, string lp, string lpPassword);

    #region CloseServiceHandle
    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
    static extern bool CloseServiceHandle(IntPtr hSCObject);

    #region QueryServiceStatus
    private static extern int QueryServiceStatus(IntPtr hService, SERVICE_STATUS lpServiceStatus);

    #region DeleteService
    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
    private static extern bool DeleteService(IntPtr hService);

    #region ControlService
    private static extern int ControlService(IntPtr hService, ServiceControl dwControl, SERVICE_STATUS lpServiceStatus);

    #region StartService
    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    private static extern int StartService(IntPtr hService, int dwNumServiceArgs, int lpServiceArgVectors);

    public static void Uninstall(string serviceName)
        IntPtr scm = OpenSCManager(ScmAccessRights.AllAccess);

            IntPtr service = OpenService(scm, serviceName, ServiceAccessRights.AllAccess);
            if (service == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new ApplicationException("Service not installed.");

                if (!DeleteService(service))
                    throw new ApplicationException("Could not delete service " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());

    public static bool ServiceIsInstalled(string serviceName)
        IntPtr scm = OpenSCManager(ScmAccessRights.Connect);

            IntPtr service = OpenService(scm, serviceName, ServiceAccessRights.QueryStatus);

            if (service == IntPtr.Zero)
                return false;

            return true;

    public static void InstallAndStart(string serviceName, string displayName, string fileName)
        IntPtr scm = OpenSCManager(ScmAccessRights.AllAccess);

            IntPtr service = OpenService(scm, serviceName, ServiceAccessRights.AllAccess);

            if (service == IntPtr.Zero)
                service = CreateService(scm, serviceName, displayName, ServiceAccessRights.AllAccess, SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, ServiceBootFlag.AutoStart, ServiceError.Normal, fileName, null, IntPtr.Zero, null, null, null);

            if (service == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new ApplicationException("Failed to install service.");


    public static void StartService(string serviceName)
        IntPtr scm = OpenSCManager(ScmAccessRights.Connect);

            IntPtr service = OpenService(scm, serviceName, ServiceAccessRights.QueryStatus | ServiceAccessRights.Start);
            if (service == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new ApplicationException("Could not open service.");


    public static void StopService(string serviceName)
        IntPtr scm = OpenSCManager(ScmAccessRights.Connect);

            IntPtr service = OpenService(scm, serviceName, ServiceAccessRights.QueryStatus | ServiceAccessRights.Stop);
            if (service == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new ApplicationException("Could not open service.");


    private static void StartService(IntPtr service)
        SERVICE_STATUS status = new SERVICE_STATUS();
        StartService(service, 0, 0);
        var changedStatus = WaitForServiceStatus(service, ServiceState.StartPending, ServiceState.Running);
        if (!changedStatus)
            throw new ApplicationException("Unable to start service");

    private static void StopService(IntPtr service)
        SERVICE_STATUS status = new SERVICE_STATUS();
        ControlService(service, ServiceControl.Stop, status);
        var changedStatus = WaitForServiceStatus(service, ServiceState.StopPending, ServiceState.Stopped);
        if (!changedStatus)
            throw new ApplicationException("Unable to stop service");

    public static ServiceState GetServiceStatus(string serviceName)
        IntPtr scm = OpenSCManager(ScmAccessRights.Connect);

            IntPtr service = OpenService(scm, serviceName, ServiceAccessRights.QueryStatus);
            if (service == IntPtr.Zero)
                return ServiceState.NotFound;

                return GetServiceStatus(service);

    private static ServiceState GetServiceStatus(IntPtr service)
        SERVICE_STATUS status = new SERVICE_STATUS();

        if (QueryServiceStatus(service, status) == 0)
            throw new ApplicationException("Failed to query service status.");

        return status.dwCurrentState;

    private static bool WaitForServiceStatus(IntPtr service, ServiceState waitStatus, ServiceState desiredStatus)
        SERVICE_STATUS status = new SERVICE_STATUS();

        QueryServiceStatus(service, status);
        if (status.dwCurrentState == desiredStatus) return true;

        int dwStartTickCount = Environment.TickCount;
        int dwOldCheckPoint = status.dwCheckPoint;

        while (status.dwCurrentState == waitStatus)
            // Do not wait longer than the wait hint. A good interval is
            // one tenth the wait hint, but no less than 1 second and no
            // more than 10 seconds.

            int dwWaitTime = status.dwWaitHint / 10;

            if (dwWaitTime < 1000) dwWaitTime = 1000;
            else if (dwWaitTime > 10000) dwWaitTime = 10000;


            // Check the status again.

            if (QueryServiceStatus(service, status) == 0) break;

            if (status.dwCheckPoint > dwOldCheckPoint)
                // The service is making progress.
                dwStartTickCount = Environment.TickCount;
                dwOldCheckPoint = status.dwCheckPoint;
                if (Environment.TickCount - dwStartTickCount > status.dwWaitHint)
                    // No progress made within the wait hint
        return (status.dwCurrentState == desiredStatus);

    private static IntPtr OpenSCManager(ScmAccessRights rights)
        IntPtr scm = OpenSCManager(null, null, rights);
        if (scm == IntPtr.Zero)
            throw new ApplicationException("Could not connect to service control manager.");

        return scm;

public enum ServiceState
    Unknown = -1, // The state cannot be (has not been) retrieved.
    NotFound = 0, // The service is not known on the host server.
    Stopped = 1,
    StartPending = 2,
    StopPending = 3,
    Running = 4,
    ContinuePending = 5,
    PausePending = 6,
    Paused = 7

public enum ScmAccessRights
    Connect = 0x0001,
    CreateService = 0x0002,
    EnumerateService = 0x0004,
    Lock = 0x0008,
    QueryLockStatus = 0x0010,
    ModifyBootConfig = 0x0020,
    StandardRightsRequired = 0xF0000,
    AllAccess = (StandardRightsRequired | Connect | CreateService |
                 EnumerateService | Lock | QueryLockStatus | ModifyBootConfig)

public enum ServiceAccessRights
    QueryConfig = 0x1,
    ChangeConfig = 0x2,
    QueryStatus = 0x4,
    EnumerateDependants = 0x8,
    Start = 0x10,
    Stop = 0x20,
    PauseContinue = 0x40,
    Interrogate = 0x80,
    UserDefinedControl = 0x100,
    Delete = 0x00010000,
    StandardRightsRequired = 0xF0000,
    AllAccess = (StandardRightsRequired | QueryConfig | ChangeConfig |
                 QueryStatus | EnumerateDependants | Start | Stop | PauseContinue |
                 Interrogate | UserDefinedControl)

public enum ServiceBootFlag
    Start = 0x00000000,
    SystemStart = 0x00000001,
    AutoStart = 0x00000002,
    DemandStart = 0x00000003,
    Disabled = 0x00000004

public enum ServiceControl
    Stop = 0x00000001,
    Pause = 0x00000002,
    Continue = 0x00000003,
    Interrogate = 0x00000004,
    Shutdown = 0x00000005,
    ParamChange = 0x00000006,
    NetBindAdd = 0x00000007,
    NetBindRemove = 0x00000008,
    NetBindEnable = 0x00000009,
    NetBindDisable = 0x0000000A

public enum ServiceError
    Ignore = 0x00000000,
    Normal = 0x00000001,
    Severe = 0x00000002,
    Critical = 0x00000003

Please let me know if anyone finds anything wrong with this code!

Lars A. Brekken
thanks lars i will check it out once i get some free time :)
did anyone test this code out yet? i'm thinking of using it.
Using it in production
Lars A. Brekken
I'm trying to use this code. But I have a problem. The code inside my service is dependent on (needs) the name of the service. And although I use this method `InstallService` with a particular service name, if I'm querying the `ServiceName` property of `ServiceBase` inside my service, it always returns me something else. Any suggestions on how to actually get that name from inside the service?
how would you use this in conjuncion with the ServiceInstaller and ServiceProcessInstaller?
Thanks a lot Lars! This code seems to do exactly what I'm needing it to do, but I've had to change some things because it was being impatient. the "WaitForServiceStatus" function was breaking and I was getting an "Unable to start service" error, even though the service was actually starting. I got rid of a lot of checks, and now I have a potential infinite loop, but it works... maybe you have an idea why the function isn't waiting?
From what I remember, it is highly unpredictable how fast the status for a service changes (same thing applies for uninstallation). I think the documentation mentions this as well.
Lars A. Brekken

Check the following code.

I found it installs the service and even starts it,

Install Windows Service Programmtically