Hi There
I am hoping that someone maybe able to help me. I need to create a regex that will remove all duplicates from a input file - I am creating a ftp.exe script to upload files and do not want duplicates in the execute command.
Here is a short example of the script: There might be up to 20 or more of the same duplicates in the file...
I have created (
brackets around the different parts )
and thought that it maybe used to group
(mkdir /breeds
cd /breeds
mput C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\site.co.za/admin/buckets\application\sites\site_-_org/breeds/*.*
(mkdir /breeds
cd /breeds
mput C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\site.co.za/admin/buckets\application\sites\site_-_org/breeds/*.*
(cd /
mput C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\site.co.za/admin/buckets\application\sites\site_-_org/*.*
(cd /
mput C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\site.co.za/admin/buckets\application\sites\site_-_org/*.*
How can I write a javascript regex.match to stip out the duplicate values.