



What I am developing is that initially the entire sudoku board is empty. One of the random cells(out of 81) is filled with a random value(1-9).

Now I want to fill all the remaining cells using brute force approach.
From what I came to know after googling is that we should start with the first cell and fill it with 1(if it's valid), then fill the second cell with 2(if it's valid, we will begin checking with a number greater than the last filled cell, which in this case is 1, once we reach 9, we reset it with 1).

The thing is that it's not working properly!

Can anyone link me to the exact algorithm.


Have a look at the following. Note that I have not run it, so I can't vouch for its claims:

The code is in VB.NET, but the algorithm will be the same in C#.

There is a C# version here:

The link supplied by @Bill the Lizard does a nice job explaining things, as opposed to the implementation links I supplied above.

Edward Leno
+1  A: 

There are a few algorithms outlined on Algorithmics of sudoku. What you're describing sounds like a backtracking approach.

Bill the Lizard
+7  A: 

I recently did a series in my blog on creating a Sudoku solver in C#; you can probably adapt the simple backtracking algorithm I present to your purposes.

Eric Lippert
+1: And a damn good series it was too :)
Alex Humphrey

Here's an implementation of the backtracking approach:

import java.util.Random;

public class Sudoku {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Random rand = new Random();
        int r = rand.nextInt(9);
        int c = rand.nextInt(9);
        int value = rand.nextInt(9) + 1;
        Board board = new Board();
        board.set(r, c, value);
        solve(board, 0);

    private static boolean solve(Board board, int at) {
        if (at == 9*9)
            return true;
        int r = at / 9;
        int c = at % 9;
        if (board.isSet(r, c))
            return solve(board, at + 1);
        for (int value = 1; value <= 9; value++) {
            if (board.canSet(r, c, value)) {
                board.set(r, c, value);
                if (solve(board, at + 1))
                    return true;
                board.unSet(r, c);
        return false;

    static class Board {
        private int[][] board = new int[9][9];
        private boolean[][] rs = new boolean[9][10];
        private boolean[][] cs = new boolean[9][10];
        private boolean[][][] bs = new boolean[3][3][10];
        public Board() {}
        public boolean canSet(int r, int c, int value) {
            return !isSet(r, c) && !rs[r][value] && !cs[c][value] && !bs[r/3][c/3][value];
        public boolean isSet(int r, int c) {
            return board[r][c] != 0;
        public void set(int r, int c, int value) {
            if (!canSet(r, c, value))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();
            board[r][c] = value;
            rs[r][value] = cs[c][value] = bs[r/3][c/3][value] = true;
        public void unSet(int r, int c) {
            if (isSet(r, c)) {
                int value = board[r][c];
                board[r][c] = 0;
                rs[r][value] = cs[c][value] = bs[r/3][c/3][value] = false;
        public String toString() {
            StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
            for (int r = 0; r < 9; r++) {
                for (int c = 0; c < 9; c++)
            return ret.toString();
Sheldon L. Cooper

This simple random walk algorithm should work too (but is inefficient- use at your own risk!!!):

EDIT: - added fix for unresolvable solutions.

For each empty cell in grid
    array = Get_Legal_Numbers_for_cell(row,col);
    If (array is empty) {
    } else {
        number = Random_number_from(array);


If someone are interested here are described methods for solving sudoku with random-based search.

No, it shouldn't work. There may be no legal numbers for a cell. Consider this example:123456789456123___What are the legal numbers for the empty cells of the second row?
Sheldon L. Cooper
Now, it should work,- we just need to restart algorithm if there are no legal numbers for cell. Of course it is very inefficient.And yes - i know other efficient approaches like backtracking and such...
That's not really a simple algorithm - for starters, it's random rather than brute force (and so might *never* find the right solution). Also when you clear all cells and restart, how does `Get_Legal_Numbers_for_cell` work out which value to change? Because *one* of the *n* values you've filled in might be incorrect, but how would you know which to change? By the time you've fleshed your methods out I think you'd find that's nowhere near simple.
Dan Puzey
@Sheldon: 978 ;-)
Dan Puzey
@Dan PuzeyGet_Legal_Numbers_for_cell doesn't calculates which value to change at all. It just gets ALL legal numbers for the current empty cell.If there are no such numbers - we clear all grid and restart algorithm. What's the problem with that random walk approach ?
So you clear the grid and restart randomly - what if you re-run the same combination over and over? What if you never find the solution? I mean, there's brute-force "try every available combination", but your algorithm is actually less efficient than that!
Dan Puzey
About running the same combination over and over- according to probability theory joint probability that first row will be generated the same as was before is:1/9*1/8*...*1/2*1/1 ~ 0.0000027Given this - it is VERY unlikely that second algorithm restart will give the same dead-end solution over and over.About never finding solution - to research this question one should need to conduct experiment of this algorithm to find out the ratio dead-end-solutions/total_generation_tries. How did you measured that this algorithm is less efficient than brute-force ?
See my EDIT 2 - I'm pretty sure - if there are methods for solving sudoku stochastically, then there should be similar stochastic methods for generating complete sudoku board.
@Dan Puzey, this is sudoku not latin squares.
Sheldon L. Cooper
@Sheldon: ack, sorry - so it is :-) *facepalm*
Dan Puzey
FYI, I generated 10,000 sudokus with this method. For each generation, on average, it visited 10389.64 cells, with 319.66 restarts. My implementation fills cells from top to bottom, and left to right.
Sheldon L. Cooper
These numbers give an estimate of approx. 1 in 320 chance of finding a solution on each try.
Sheldon L. Cooper
I'm impressed, seems random walk is not so bad at all :)