Suppose I have a simple EventArgs subclass:
class MyArgs : EventArgs { }
Consider I have two classes with events:
class MyData {
public event EventHandler<MyArgs> Method;
class MyObject {
public event EventHandler Method;
And a simple program that uses them:
static void Main(string[] args){
MyObject o = new MyObject();
o.Method += MyMethod;
MyData data = new MyData();
data.Method += MyMethod;
static void MyMethod(object sender, EventArgs e) { }
Thanks to Contravariance, MyMethod counts as both an EventHandler and an EventHandler<MyArgs>. However, if I change MyObject's event handler into a property that forwards the method to a MyData:
class MyObject {
MyData data = new MyData();
public event EventHandler Method {
add { data.Method += value; }
remove { data.Method += value; }
The event property is unable to forward the EventHandler to the EventHandler. This seems strange to me because it seems to fall into the contravariance category - a handler with a weaker signature (base classes) should be able to accept arguments with a stronger signature (subclasses).
Why won't C# let me do this? Is there a way to tunnel a generic EventHandler down through an event property into an EventHandler? Is there some sort of legal cast that can be performed on the delegates?