



Suppose I have a simple EventArgs subclass:

class MyArgs : EventArgs { }

Consider I have two classes with events:

class MyData {
    public event EventHandler<MyArgs> Method;

class MyObject {
    public event EventHandler Method;

And a simple program that uses them:

    static void Main(string[] args){

        MyObject o = new MyObject();
        o.Method += MyMethod;

        MyData data = new MyData();
        data.Method += MyMethod;


    static void MyMethod(object sender, EventArgs e) { }

Thanks to Contravariance, MyMethod counts as both an EventHandler and an EventHandler<MyArgs>. However, if I change MyObject's event handler into a property that forwards the method to a MyData:

class MyObject {

    MyData data = new MyData();

    public event EventHandler Method {
        add { data.Method += value; }
        remove { data.Method += value; }


The event property is unable to forward the EventHandler to the EventHandler. This seems strange to me because it seems to fall into the contravariance category - a handler with a weaker signature (base classes) should be able to accept arguments with a stronger signature (subclasses).

Why won't C# let me do this? Is there a way to tunnel a generic EventHandler down through an event property into an EventHandler? Is there some sort of legal cast that can be performed on the delegates?


There is no implicit conversion from EventHandler to EventHandler<T>. However since both are of compatible types with each other, you could just pass the EventHandler to the constructor to "convert" it.

public event EventHandler Method
    add { data.Method += new EventHandler<MyArgs>(value); }
    remove { data.Method -= new EventHandler<MyArgs>(value); }
Jeff M
Huh - I hadn't thought of that. I didn't realize it was using implicit conversions there - thanks!