I have a tabcontrol that creates tab pages from a "User Control" I created (a separate form in vb.net) using this code: (MainTab is the separate user control I created which has text boxes etc in it)
Dim tmpTab As New MainTab
Dim tmpTabCount As Integer = myTabControl.TabPages.Count
myTabControl.TabPages.Item(tmpTabCount - 1).Controls.Add(tmpTab)
myTabControl.TabPages.Item(tmpTabCount - 1).Text = "Untitled"
I'm using the devexpress xtratab control so the code might look a bit different than the default vb.net tab control.
Now in my MainTab user control file file, I can't for the life of me figure out how to call a control in the form1 where the xtra tab control is placed on. "Me.Parent.Dispose" works for closing the tab when executed via the MainTab control, but that's as far as I can get for communicating with the parent from.
Does anyone know the solution? I'm not sure if I have to reference something in the MainTab user control or what in order to communicate with any objects on the default form1.