I am having a difficult time with a seemingly easy and embarrassing problem. All I want is the next element in an IEnumberable without using Skip(1).Take(1).Single(). This example illustrates the basic problem.
private char _nextChar;
private IEnumerable<char> getAlphabet()
yield return 'A';
yield return 'B';
yield return 'C';
public void sortAlphabet()
foreach (char alpha in getAlphabet())
switch (alpha)
case 'A': //When A pops up, I want to get the next element, ie 'B'
_nextChar = getAlphabet().Skip(1).Take(1).Single();
case 'B': //When B pops up, I want 'C' etc
_nextChar = getAlphabet().Skip(1).Take(1).Single();
Other than being ugly, this example works. But let's say that the IEnumerable contained 2 million elements, then the LINQ statement makes the program execute unbearably slow. What I want is simple. I just want the next element in an IEnumberable<>. All my problems would be solved if there was a function like:
_nextChar = getAlphabet().moveNext() //or getNext()
It is much preferred if the solution keeps the same structure/layout/functionality of the example however, I am flexible. My program is a file parser, and among the 2 million lines of text are some keys like "money=324" where "money" and "324" are neighbor elements in the IEnumberable and when the parser comes across "money" I want "324". (who doesn't? :D Sorry for bad pun.)