



I need to inject a custom, unique, static string into my .NET based EXE. For all intents and purposes, assume that this is my Private key of a PKI.

I have a few ideas on how I'll approach protecting the Private key within the C# source code, my question is how do I take my .CS files and create an executable based off it?


The simplest thing to do would be to call csc, the C# compiler.

For example: (from the msdn page linked above)

csc /out:My.exe File.cs

Would produce an executable called My.exe from an input file called File.cs.

If the executable you want to compile is fairly complex, it might prove simpler to keep that pre-compiled and only compile a DLL that it calls a method in at runtime to obtain the private key, as that would be a simpler command line to pass to csc.

Is csc always installed with .NET? What about the client framework (lighter version of .NET)?
@MakerOfThings, according to, msbuild is *not* included, but it doesn't say either way regarding csc/vbc. I'd assume they are as they're core components, but I don't have a framework-less PC to verify that on I'm afraid.
Yes, scs.exe and vbc.exe _are_ included in the runtime, not the SDK. So they are on every target machine.
Henk Holterman
+2  A: 

Take a look at CSharpCodeProvider, which can essentially be used take a string containing source code and compile it to an assembly (EXE or DLL), or if you require, an in memory assembly.

You can also use the codeDOM for the code generation side of things. Take a look at 'Generating Source Code and Compiling a Program from a CodeDOM Graph' as a starting point.

Chris Taylor
An "in memory" assembly. Fascinating. When would I use one? Sounds like that may be a good fit
@MakerOfThings7, in memory assemblies are nice when you want to support things like dynamically generating code based on user input and have that execute on demand without having the binary saved to disk, supporting things like macros etc. Of course .NET has evolved this you can also use things like Dynamic Methods etc. Here is a link for the dynamic method stuff
Chris Taylor