



I have an app that has multiple databases. Not multiple tables in a single database file, but literally multiple databases. For the sake of clarity, lets say that Database #1 is a Car Database, and #2 is a Truck database. For the Truck database, I have an Activity that allows you to see various bits of information that is compiled from all the Trucks you've saved, so this code obviously accesses the Truck database to retrieve all of the Truck records.

I have a user who says that a few days ago he successfully saved a new Truck into the database. After saving the truck he was able to go to the above mentioned Activity and view all of the compiled information with no problems.

The user says that when he opened the app today, all information was gone. The Car information and the truck information. He says that he did not delete anything. He has a Droid Eris running Android 2.1.

Has anyone experienced any similar types of data loss, or have any ideas for what could possibly cause this behavior?

Unfortunately, this is all the information I have. He added a Truck record, viewed an Activity that accesses the Truck database, then a couple of days later all Trucks and Cars are gone. Could something as silly as forgetting to close a Database object or a Cursor cause such a problem? I wouldn't think so, but I'm grasping at straws here.

I have the app on my Droid running 2.2, and have not seen this, or at least haven't seen it yet, and I have no idea of how to go about trying to make this situation happen.