



Recently, I came across a set of Internet Explorer Web Controls from Microsoft. These look to me to be older controls from the pre-standards era of Microsoft's development. I'm curious as to whether or not these controls work well with modern browsers, or if they're basically IE only. I know it says it will render to "downlevel" browser, but it seems to indicate that "any browser other than IE" is a downlevel browser.

Are there a modern set of controls from MS?

+2  A: 

I wouldn't recommend using these - they aren't supported by Microsoft anymore and all the samples are on GotDotNet, which has been shutdown.

You'd have better luck developing with a more recent version of the .NET Framework.

Nathan DeWitt
+1  A: 

THe four control provided (MultiPage, TabStrip, Toolbar, and TreeView) could be done using something like JQuery UI.

There are any number of ways to make things look pretty on the client. JQuery UI doesn't create server controls.
Mystere Man
However, your answer got me to thinking that you could certainly encapsulate jquery ui in server side controls. This lead me to find DJ JQuery which does just that. Very nice.
Mystere Man