Given a DIV with this general structure (class="post", from an extracted message board post)
<div class="post" id="1575524">
I'm not sure why these items in the construction updates caught my eye, but they did...<br />
<br />
<div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px; ">
<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:2px">Quote:</div>
<table cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
<td class="alt2" style="border:1px inset">
Bay Lake Tower – bathroom modifications.
</div>They're already having to do stuff to BLT?<br />
<div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px; ">
<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:2px">Quote:</div>
<table cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
<td class="alt2" style="border:1px inset">
Caribbean Beach Resort – refurbish pool rules and spa rules signs at all pools. <br />
All Star Resorts – refurbish pool rules and spa rules signs.
</div>I bet there are a lot of jurisdictions out there that would love to get building permit fees from this level of work.
I need to apply CSS styles to the "post" DIV's plain text, without touching its other child elements (Ps, tables, other DIVs, etc). I cannot change the way the "post" DIV is constructed before I receive it; I can alter it after receiving it and before outputting it as much as necessary. I'm using PHP to output HTML. There's a linked CSS stylesheet that could take additional styles if needed. There could be any number of blocks of plain text inside the "post" DIV which need to be styled, and any number of child elements which should be left alone.
I have been working with PHP's string-handling functions (stripos, strripos, substr). The below code does successfully wrap plain plain text before the first child element ("I'm not sure why these items...") and after the last ("I bet there are a lot of jurisdictions...") in P tags. The problem is accessing the plain text in between child elements ("They're already having to...").
if ( stripos ( $postMessage, '<div' ) !== FALSE ) {
// wrap text outside divs, if any
// start of first div
$divStartPos = stripos ( $postMessage, '<div' );
// end of last div
$divEndPos = strripos ( $postMessage, '/div>' ) + 4;
// all up to start of first div + <p> tags
if ( $divStartPos > 0 ) {
$textBeforeDiv = "<p class=\"postMessage\">". substr ( $postMessage, 0, $divStartPos -1 ) . "</p>\n";
} // if
// all between start of first and end of last div
$div = substr ( $postMessage, $divStartPos, ($divEndPos - $divStartPos) + 1 );
// all after end of last div + <p> tags
$textAfterDiv = "<p class=\"postMessage\">". substr ( $postMessage, $divEndPos + 1, $postMessage->length - 1 ) . "</p>\n";
$postMessage = $textBeforeDiv . $div . $textAfterDiv;
} // if
I had spent several hours banging my head against PHP's DOMDocument / DOMElement classes before switching to string-handling, and would happily remain here if possible. Some simple programmatic way of accessing plain text at the top level of a DIV is all I really need. If such a thing exists.
Thanks in advance.