




Hi, I'm pulling in a feed for my youtube playlist into yahoo pipes (to create a mashup along with other feeds). Here's my youtube feed: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/8D04CB7477AF17CD .

The problem is that the only date info this feed has is the 'updated' date, which is always the current date and time - if you access that feed right now, it'll show you the current date and time as the date for all posts. I looked at the source of this feed and it only has an tag. It does't have a tag at all. The consequence of this is that the youtube videos always show up as the latest posts in my mashup feed - all other posts appear after the youtube videos, since the date for all youtube video posts is the current date.

I even tried favouriting all the videos I wanted in the feed and then used a favourites feed: gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/srijand/favorites?v=2 .This feed has both the and tags, but they both show the current date and time as well!

How do I get around this? Thanks!