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SQL Pronunciation

What is the correct way of pronouncing "SQL" in "Microsoft SQL Server" ?




I've heard it both ways, but what is the official?


I pronounce it like an initialism, i.e. "ess-cue-el".

Remember that if you read it "sequel" that means you'll also have to read "PNG" as "ping" which just sounds silly.

Matti Virkkunen
Well, I read PNG as "pong" (, you insensitive clod!)

According to Wikipedia, it's officially S-Q-L. That's how I pronounce it too.


I pronounce it both ways. Someone in my team does not repond to ess-que-ell and there is one guy who does not pay heed or gets surprised by sequel.

I also personally like suckle. :)

+1  A: 

As "SQL" is an abbreviation, the normal pronounciation would be the first one you've listed, as you pronounce the letters which form the abbreviation. But in real life, each one pronounces it the way he feels the most confortable.

+5  A: 

People who work on the product in Microsoft pronounce it sequel, I spoke to several people who work on the product during this year's MVP summit in Redmond/Bellevue and all of them pronounced it sequel server

And of course if they want to talk about a specific version of SQL Server they will just use the code name, so instead of SQL Server 2008 R2, they will just say 2008 R2 or Kilimanjaro

Add in the fact that "sequel" is easier to say than "S.Q.L.". Sequel only has two syllables and flows off the tongue a lot easier. Being in an industry that does what it can to minimize words typed, I choose the shorter method.
I'd have imagined that people who actually work on it would call it "that damn thing" or something. Not that I really care about "MVPs" or silly abbreviations like that.
Matti Virkkunen

I would say with a certain degree of certainty...

when encountering an abbreviation in CAPS always say it letter for letter. S Q L.

I think that is rather standard seeing as it is not a mnemonic in which an abbreviation actually is a word, then you do pronounce the word and not the letters. And as far as I know SQL is not a word.

But yes squirrel works

Is NATO a word?
Phil Sandler
so GIF or JPG is pronounced as letters? GNU? MP3? ok, I'll give you some of them :)
No, it's an abbrev. , NATO does not mean Sun or Moon plant rock or anything else then the 4 letters that represent 4 words. If the abbreviation of 4 words make a new word it would be a mnemonic. However due to the length of the abbreviation here N A T O being a mouthful, the common agreement is to pronounce it as a single word. It's speedy. However when it's not pronouncable in your native tongue.An example: The abbreviation SEC , rolls of the tongue unlike OMG WTF BBQ PWN aswell as SQL being non-pronouncable. Using a word instead of that suggegs its a mnemonic an is therefor confusing.
GIF - per letter in english , in dutch I would never say it per letter. It's language dependant.
+1  A: 

Most people seem to refer to the platform as "sequel" and a singular unit such as a Stored Proc as S-Q-L. I use either radomnly to be honest. As SQLMenace stated a lot of people from Microsoft refer to it as sequel so I'm guessing that's just as acceptable. I mean everyone refers to XAML as "Zamil"

Paulie Waulie

'Ess-que-ell' or sequel both sound boring. Squirrel Server is much more fun and should be in everyday usage.

(just seen David's comment, maybe its more common than I thought)
