




I am obtaining strings from the web which often contain accented characters not recognised from within my application.

Edit - I'm obtaining my string using the HtmlAgilityPack. I am taking the InnerText of a <title> tag. Whilst doing this the Pack uses a different encoding from the original HTML document (I'm not sure which ones though?).

        // get the html title inner text and assign to htmlParts object
        HtmlNode titleNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//title");
        string docTitle = titleNode.InnerText;
        htmlParts.htmlTitle = docTitle.ToString();

Can anyone tell me how I can go from getting "(Subtitulado al español).avi" to "(Subtitulado al español).avi" ?

I'd very much appreciate it. :)


apply proper encoding to the data you read. How exactly? Good question. For that you at least need to provide the code that causes the problem in the first place.

+2  A: 

It looks like you're getting UTF-8, but processing it as ISO-8859-1.

It's not possible to give more concrete information without knowing more about your system.

Michael Madsen
I have updated the question as suggested... hope that helps.