





I'd like to detect from an application wether gdb is running. The standard way would be the following:

if (ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0, NULL, 0) == -1)

In this case ptrace returns an error if the current process is traced (i.e. running it with gdb or attaching to it).

But there is a serious problem with this: if the call returns successfully, gdb may not attach to it later. Which is a problem since I'm not trying to implement anti-debug stuff. My purpose is to emit an 'int 3' when a contition is met (i.e. an assert fails) and gdb is running (otherwise I get a SIGTRAP which stops the application).

Disabling SIGTRAP and emitting an 'int 3' every time is not a good sollution because the application I'm testing might be using SIGTRAP for some other purpose (in which case I'm still screwed, so it wouldn't matter but it's the principle of the thing :))


+3  A: 

Previously as a comment: you could fork a child which would try to PTRACE_ATTACH its parent (and then detach if necessary) and communicates the result back. It does seem a bit inelegant though.

As you mention, this is quite costly. I guess it's not too bad if assertions fail irregularly. Perhaps it'd be worthwhile keeping a single long-running child around to do this - share two pipes between the parent and the child, child does its check when it reads a byte and then sends a byte back with the status.

Huw Giddens

If you just want to know whether the app is running under gdb for debugging purposes, the simplest solution on Linux is to readlink("/proc/<ppid>/exe"), and search the result for "gdb".

Employed Russian
Thanks, but it will not work when gdb attaches after the program is already running.
+1  A: 

The code I ended up using was the following:

  int pid = fork();
  int status;
  int res;

  if (pid == -1)
      return -1;

  if (pid == 0)
      int ppid = getppid();

      /* Child */
      if (ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, ppid, NULL, NULL) == 0)
          /* Wait for the parent to stop and continue it */
          waitpid(ppid, NULL, 0);
          ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, NULL, NULL);

          /* Detach */
          ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, getppid(), NULL, NULL);

          /* We were the tracers, so gdb is not present */
          res = 0;
          /* Trace failed so gdb is present */
          res = 1;
      waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
      res = WEXITSTATUS(status);
  return res;

A few things:

  • When ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, ...) is successful, the traced process will stop and has to be continued.
  • This also works when gdb is attaching later.
  • A drawback is that when used frequently, it will cause a serious slowdown.

Anyway, thanks for the answers.
