Hi, We have a production system that gathers telemetry data from remote devices. This data is sent at a reasonable frequency and we end up receiving up to thousands of messages a second at peak times. The payload is circa 80 bytes per message. I am starting to do some performance testing of various storage machanisms, but I thought first of all I would try and see how fast I could push UDP without any data storage involved. I am getting approx 70,000 messages a second max throughput testing on my local machine (seems to be around the same if I use another machine to send the test data). From my rough calcuations, this is way lower than I expected given the network link capacity. The sender sits in a tight loop sending data. I am fully aware of all the issues with UDP re; lost packets, etc. I just want to get an idea of our systems weak points.
Is the throughput so low because of the small packet size?
private IPEndPoint _receiveEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, _receivePort);
private Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
private int _recievedCount = 0;
private long _lastCount = 0;
private Thread _receiverThread;
private bool _running = true;
_clientReceive = new UdpClient();
_receiverThread = new Thread(DoReceive);
while (_running)
Byte[] receiveBytes = _clientReceive.Receive(ref _receiveEndpoint);
_clientReceive.Receive(ref _receiveEndpoint);
if (!sw.IsRunning)
string receiveString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(receiveBytes);
_recievedCount = ++_recievedCount;
long howLong = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
if (howLong/1000 > _lastCount)
_lastCount = howLong/1000;
Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() => { Text = _recievedCount + " iterations in " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + " msecs"; }));