




I'm trying to install cygwin on my Windows 7 machine.

I get the setup by starting the install on http://www.cygwin.com/. I choose "Install from Internet" (which links to http://www.cygwin.com/setup.exe), then select successively in the Wizard:

  • All users + Unix text files
  • local package directory = C:\Cygwin
  • direct connection
  • download site = mirror.cs.vt.edu (I tried a few others and ran into similar problems; if there is one in particular someone highly recommends, I will gladly try it).

I get a warning "The current ini file is from a newer version of setup.exe. If you have any trouble installing, please download a fresh version from http://www.cygwin.com/setup.exe", but as far as I understand, that's exactly what I just downloaded to start this. Then I get parse errors. I have no idea where I am going wrong, or where I would go to get the correct setup.exe. Any suggestions?

+1  A: 

Delete the setup.exe that's on your hard drive and try again. Alternatively, try downloading from http://mirrors.kernel.org; I just tried it and it works for me. The new version should be 2.721 (as it appears on the spash screen).

Yup. Man, that's obscure.
Joe Mabel
@Joe Mabel: It's happened to me a time or two. They update the setup.exe periodically, and ... well it doesn't always work quite the way it should.
You'd think the error message would indicate that you have to delete your existing one.
Joe Mabel