Hi, I want to create a speed dial feature in WPF. I have seen that feature in browsers. where multiple page images are shown. The user can click on the pages to go to that page.
I searched in Google and found that i can do this using RenderTargetBitmap. Basically i am trying to create the image of the screen using RenderTargetBitmap and add it to the stackpanel. But i am not able to add the image to the stackpanel. Any suggestion?
List<Visual> visualList = new List<Visual>();
UserControls.UserControl1 uc1 = new UserControls.UserControl1();
for(int i = 0;i<=6;i++)
Image img = new Image();
img.Source = CaptureScreen(visualList[i], 96, 96);
img.Margin = new Thickness { Top = 2 };
private static RenderTargetBitmap CaptureScreen(Visual target, double dpiX, double dpiY)
if (target == null)
return null;
Rect bounds = VisualTreeHelper.GetDescendantBounds(target);
//RenderTargetBitmap rtb = new RenderTargetBitmap((int)(bounds.Width * dpiX / 96.0),
// (int)(bounds.Height * dpiY / 96.0),
// dpiX,
// dpiY,
// PixelFormats.Pbgra32);
RenderTargetBitmap rtb = new RenderTargetBitmap(596,596,dpiX,
DrawingVisual dv = new DrawingVisual();
using (DrawingContext ctx = dv.RenderOpen())
VisualBrush vb = new VisualBrush(target);
ctx.DrawRectangle(vb, null, new Rect(new Point(), bounds.Size));
return rtb;