



Hi everybody, I am going to create a corporate site with around 150-200 pages. Several pages have three category levels (I mean a URL like products/myproduct/overview)

The client's employees should be able to edit all the pages very easily, manage the navigation and left blocks as well.

What CMS (opensource, if possible) can I use? PHP, Perl would be good but I am open to .NET if necessary.

Thanks! Dav3

+1  A: 

Perl: if you're happy coding up the admin backend and (possibly) have used CGI::Application, Mark Strosberg's Titanium framework is nippy and lightweight but as powerful as you need it to be or - if you want something more popular - try Catalyst. For an example (can't show the backend, which uses Markdown) this site is built on Titanium.

PHP: If you don't want to code up the backend a CMS is the way to go. The latest version of Joomla should do what you want, although you'll probably have to hobble the WYSIWYG editor and editing options (and provide a little training) to prevent users from doing (say) things like pasting an entire Word document into the editing window! For an example (again, can't show backend) this site uses the latest version of Joomla.

But everyone's going to have their favourites here...

Dave Everitt

Going with Perl Catalyst will be good.

In PHP I would recommend using SilverStripe CMS:

Its powerful and easy to extend.

Kunal P.Bharati
Not sure what's up with the Catalyst suggestions - Catalyst is a web framework, not a CMS.
… a great web framework, but still a web framework.
David Dorward
+3  A: 

A list of Perl CMS's can be found under applications on the Perl5 wiki.

Also looking at your requirement you may find a Wiki to be an option? In particular MojoMojo because this differs from the standard wiki approach by allowing directory structures thus making your category levels products/myproduct/overview possible.


+2  A: 

Bricolage 2 - You'll get permissions, alerts, ldap authentication, publishing process, and a whole bunch of great features with it. Or if you'd rather write the whole thing by yourself, use Catalyst.

+1  A: 

If you want to go with a PHP CMS then I can only recommend Drupal.

Octavian Damiean

Cyclone3 CMS is very interesting, including GUI based on Firefox.

Alexandr Ciornii