



I need to write rules for deontic logic, is there any programming language to do that? I saw prolog and I'm learning now but how to express deontic logic in PROLOG? please help

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This question is rather vague. I don't know of any "programming language for deontic logic;" perhaps you mean a theorem prover? Those can be built in Prolog pretty quickly, but require quite some knowledge of both formal logic and Prolog. If that's what you want, you'll have to check if the particular variant of deontic logic you need is equivalent to another logic (e.g., some modal logic) and if a theorem prover exists for that logic.

If this is what you want, the best starting point would be leanTAP, a 'lean' (short and simple) theorem prover in Prolog.

yes, i need to write rules for modal logic for representing the necessity, permissibility, requires and optionality rules.. can this be done with general prolog? or it needs something different? is there any beginners tutorial for prolog?
Learning Prolog would be a good first step if you want to do this kind of automated reasoning, but if Prolog alone is enough depends on the problem domain. Prolog's logic is not full first-order logic, but a subset called Horn logic. Good tutorials are listed at