




I have a variable formvar that is incremented every time a user adds an additional field in an HTML form. This variable is posted to the PHP script for the purpose of looping through all of the added fields.

I am trying to combine two variables in the MySQL query to match what is in my HTML form. I would like the MySQL query to go upc0, upc1, etc until the for loop terminates.

mysql_select_db("bits", $con);
$sql="INSERT INTO report (UPC, Quantity, Comment)
VALUES ('$_POST[upc].$i','$_POST[quantity].$i','$_POST[comment].$i')";
if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
else echo "Records added successfully";

Sorry if this code is bad, I am new to web programming.

Thank you!


Apart the fact that including user variables ($_POST) in the query let you being exposed to SQL Injection Attacks ....

use '{$_POST["comment{$1}"]}'


if you want to take into account security too, then you have to sanitize your user provided data before use. So, in the mysql case you can simply assign sanitized variables and then use only them in the quesries ... You could do it also at the beginning of your scripts as a default, for the entire superglobals arrays..

i.e. use array_map on $_POST with mysql_real_escape_string as mapping function to define a new $SAFE_POST array to be used in your queries ...

What the actual methiod o implement is a case specific issue ... the idea given :)

$_GLOBALS['SAFE_POST'] = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $_POST);
And that prevents SQL Injection? What about escaping the input (considering `mysql`, using the proper [`mysql_real_escape_string`](http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-real-escape-string.php) function)... I would -1, but you did mention sql injection. Edit a valid escaping methodology in, and I'll +1...
I'm **not** considering SI ... as I told :)
-1. Not only did you not show a method for preventing SQL Injection, your `$_SANE_POST` array is typically a bad idea (in my experience). It can lead to double escaping if someone else tries to use it. It can lead to mis-escaping if you're using input in different areas. I can lead to un-escaped input if you think you've escaped it but didn't for some reason. I recommend always escaping right before usage, since then you know **how** to properly escape it for the specific usage (be it for a MySQL query, or for display, or for some other method that requires a certain style escaping)...
Not to mention that what happens if an element of `$_POST` is an array? array_mapping will destroy data...
Ehi guys, I was giving proof of concepts, not receipts ... for the already cooked food let others talk ... have a nice day :) @ircmaxell, just relax ... give your recipe, make love, not war :) ehehhe

Not sure if I understand the question well but this is what I think :

$sql="INSERT INTO report (UPC, Quantity, Comment) VALUES
           ('" . $_POST["upc".$i] .  "','" . $_POST["quantity" . $i] .  "','" . $_POST["comment" . $i] .  "')";

Note : this is a short version, you must add mysql_real_escape_string, etc, etc.

Also I supposed every variable could be string so I surrounded them by ''.

$_POST["name" . $i] let you loop throught POST variables starting with the name "name" followed by a number, this must be inserted into your for loop.

+2  A: 

Ok, since each answer hinted at escaping (but did not give an example):

$sql = "INSERT INTO report (UPC, Quantity, Comment) VALUES
       ('" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["upc".$i]) .  "','" . 
       mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["quantity" . $i]) .  "','" . 
       mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["comment" . $i]) .  "')";

That should protect you from SQL Injection, and is one proper method of creating sql queries. The best method would be to use parametrized queries (There's a ton of information out there on it, so I'd suggest a good Google search would be better than me trying to explain it here)...

Very very nice approach ... lets write 1k times our code :)
@AlberT: It's not about LOC (Writing the smallest possible code base is not the goal). It's about writing a maintainable and secure system. Using these style queries, anyone can quickly read and see what's going on. A cursory glance will tell anyone reading that everything is properly escaped. And less LOC is not always better. There's always a trade-off between readability and maintainability and efficiency in writing. So I gladly accept some increase in LOC where appropriate for enhanced readability and maintainability...
Really appreciate the help ircmaxell. I will familiarize myself with prevention of SQL injections before posting again in the future.
@anon: Don't hesitate to post if you have questions (of course try to search first, since a lot has already been answered both here and else where). I'm just a stickler on certain subjects (like SQL Injection, since there's no excuse for it still occurring in this day in age). And considering how many people copy and paste code without reading or understanding, I'd rather see examples with proper techniques rather than just saying on the side "Oh, and you should probably escape them first too"... It's in essence the same as lead by example...

As recipes are so acclaimed I'm going to give my own, concerning the actual question:

for ($i=0; $i<=$_POST['formvar']; ++$i) {
  mysql_select_db("bits", $con);
  $v = array_map(mysql_real_escape_string(array(_POST["upc{$i}"], $_POST["quantity{$i}"], $_POST["comment{$i}"])));
  $sql = "INSERT INTO report (UPC, Quantity, Comment) VALUES('"
       . implode("', '", $v)
       . "')";

  if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) {
    trigger_error(html_entities('Error: ' . mysql_error()));
+1  A: 

First things first. In your HTML, create Input-Fields like this:

<input type="foo" name="upc[]">
<input type="foo" name="quantity[]">
<input type="foo" name="comment[]">

Then in your PHP-Script you do it like this:

# Choose DB
mysql_select_db("bits", $con);

# Iterates the Form-Data
$data_arr = array();
foreach($_POST['upc'] as $k=>$v) {
  # Makes sure all needed data is available
  if(isset($_POST['quantity'][$k], $_POST['comment'][$k])) {
    $data_arr[] = array(
      'upc' => $v,
      'quantity' => $_POST['quantity'][$k],
      'comment' => $_POST['comment'][$k]

# Build mysql insert string
foreach($data_arr as $k=>$v) {
  # Escapes each field
  $v = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $v);
  # Maps array to value set
  $data_arr[$k] = '('. implode(',', $v). ')';

$sql = 'INSERT INTO report (UPC, Quantity, Comment) VALUES '. implode(', ', $data_arr);

# Perform mysql query
mysql_query($sql, $con) or die('Error: ' . mysql_error());

echo 'Records added successfully';

Wrote it on my iPad, i'm on an airplane... so untestet. Good luck. ;o)
