




Opera is the only browser giving trouble with this jQuery statement:

$("select").load("options.html",function() { $(this).val("de"); });

The SELECT does not fill with ANY options. It is blank. Worse, I can turn on DragonFly in an effort to trace it down, and the problem disappears. The options are displayed as they should.

Anyone come across this?

HTML as requested:

<select class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-all">
     <option value="en">English</option>
     <option value="de">Deutsch</option>

Obviously, the OPTIONs aren't there to start with...


To repeat a comment from above: the problem was solved by moving the .load call further down the list of instructions inside the $.ready function. This is not the first time that I notice that Opera's JS engine appears to get ahead of itself. It would seem that the DOM-ready is fired before everything is truly ready.

Hi Ollie,would it be possible to give me a link to the page you're working on with some instructions regarding where the code was/is? I'd like to check out this problem to see if we can fix it in Opera's core.