



Is there a way to remove from the Lightbox gallery those images that have been removed via Jquery's .remove() method? i.e. some <img>'s are removed while the Lightbox is displaying other images.

<img ... rel="lightbox" />
<img ... rel="lightbox" />
<img ... rel="lightbox" class="to_remove" />
<img ... rel="lightbox" class="to_remove" />
<img ... rel="lightbox" />

When I click first image, Lightbox is launched, but while viewing that image, other images with class to_remove might be removed via Javascript, and are removed via .remove(). However, when I click "Next" in the gallery, those images are still displayed.

Note: when Lightbox is closed and re-launched, the images no longer display.

But is there any way to make them disappear even without having to close the Lightbox?