I have this script that I'd like to in addition save as a xls file, also save as a .txt in the same directory, or even a different one. Can I get some guidance here?
Imports System.IO
Module Module1
Private Property fs As Object
Private Property BaseName As Object
Private Property FullTargetPath As Object
Sub Main()
Dim targetfolder As String = "C:\TEST"
Dim sourcefolder As String = "\\\c$\Checks\XMLFiles"
Dim Searchpattern As String = String.Format("{0:MM-dd-yyyy}*.xml", Date.Today)
Dim todaysfiles() As String = Directory.GetFiles(sourcefolder, Searchpattern)
Dim xlApp, xlWkb
xlApp = CreateObject("excel.application")
fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Const xlnormal = 1
'Extra Dims
'Hide Excel
xlApp.Visible = False
For Each file As String In todaysfiles
' Excel stuff... '
Dim fileName As String = IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file)
' Concatenate full path. Extension will be automatically added by Excel. '
Dim fullTargetPath = IO.Path.Combine(targetfolder, fileName)
'Process each file in SourceFolder
' For Each file In fs.GetFolder(SourceFolder).files
'Open file in SourceFolder
xlWkb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(file)
'Get Filename
BaseName = fs.getbasename(file)
'Concatenate full path. Extension will be automatically added by Excel
fullTargetPath = targetfolder & "\" & BaseName
'Save as XLS file into TargetFolder
xlWkb.SaveAs(fullTargetPath, xlnormal)
'Close the file after its done
xlWkb = Nothing
xlApp = Nothing
fs = Nothing
' MsgBox("Thank you. Currently the Date is: " & Date.Today & " people like to eat chicken Every " & Date.Today.Ticks & " minutes.")
'This is for extra code below
End Sub
End Module