




I am building a feature that will allow users to post to multiple friends' walls on Facebook. I'm using an FBML multi-friend input to let users select an arbitrary number of friends with whom to share.

I know how to use the API to post to multiple Facebook walls, but I need the IDs of the users in the multi-friend input. The problem is that the input is in a Facebook iFrame, so I can't just read off the ids with javascript.

Does anyone know how to work around this?


Though this isn't really answering the question, If you have the time I would consider using the new Graph API:


You can easily get all your friends / or a specified users friends and post to their walls with just a couple of API calls.

FB's new API makes doing things SO much easier. There are also various SDKs to help make your life easier. (PHP SDK: http://github.com/facebook/php-sdk/ <- my favorite)


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