




Previous developers created a webproject which consumes a webservice in .net platform and they wanted me to use this webservice on jsp. I read netbeans tutorials and find out that webservice is irrelevant to platform. However the problem is at .net project I could not find a file whose extension is .wsdl or a werbservice.amsx.There is a service.cs which was implemented has webservice commands a lot.How i can consume or use this service on a jsp file? I would be appreciated if you can help me. Because it takes my hours to read documentations and I do not have any clue how to use it on .jsp.

Best Regards Altaico


Read this detailed tutorial on on how to reference and use asmx web services in JSP

Hithere is webservice.asmx file neither webxml file in the directory? There are only .cs files in the director? Do you think everything is created successfully? I am looking forward for your replies. Thank you so much from now.Cheers
alper kopuz

Hi there is webservice.asmx file neither webxml file in the directory? There are only .cs files in the director? Do you think everything is created successfully? I am looking forward for your replies. Thank you so much from now. Cheers

alper kopuz

For Web Services in general to function correctly you need to have a WSDL. Most modern web service stacks can generate these automatically.

Have a closer look.

Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen

unfortunately they did not create a wsdl file. they have only created an asmx file. I can do the binding by using asmx file??

alper kopuz

Try to call the asmx file from your browser with ?wsdl query string.

Ladislav Mrnka