I'm trying to embed an xsl into a XML file. The reason for doing this is to create a single file that could be moved to different computers, this would prevent the need to move the xsl file.
The xsl file is creating a table and grabbing a test step from the xml and whether it passed or failed, pretty simple.
The issue I'm having, I think, is that the xsl has javascript and its being displayed when the xml is loaded in IE.
When I load the xml file with IE, the javascript is displayed above the table and below the table the xml is displayed.
Here is how my document is laid-out :
<!DOCTYPE doc [
<!ATTLIST xsl:stylesheet
<xsl:stylesheet id="4.1.0"
xmlns:vb_user="http://www.ni.com/TestStand/" >
<xsl:template match="xsl:stylesheet" />
<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">
<msxsl:script language="vbscript" implements-prefix="vb_user">
option explicit
'This function will return the localized decimal point for a decimal number
Function GetLocalizedDecimalPoint ()
dim lDecPoint
lDecPoint = Mid(CStr(1.1),2,1)
GetLocalizedDecimalPoint = lDecPoint
End Function
<msxsl:script language="javascript" implements-prefix="user"><![CDATA[
// This style sheet will not show tables instead of graphs for arrays of values if
// 1. TSGraph control is not installed on the machine
// 2. Using the stylesheet in windows XP SP2. Security settings prevent stylesheets from creatign the GraphControl using scripting.
// Refer to the TestStand Readme for more information.
//more javascript functions
//code to build table and insert data from the xml
<Report Type='UUT' Title='UUT Report' Link='-1-2008-12-3-10-46-52-713' UUTResult='Failed' StepCount='51'>
// rest of xml