



+1  Q: 

C# Math Problem

I have been working on this for the greater part of the day and I cant seem to make this part of my code work. The intent of the code is to allow the user to input a set of values in order to calculate the missing value. As an additional feature I placed a CheckBox on the form to allow the user to do further calculation. That is where my problem lies. I know the code works because if I change the formula the value that appears in tb3_aic.Text changes per the formula. However, when I use the below the answer does not change like it should. Please reference the attached code. If a jpg image is needed of the formula I can e-mail it.

 void Calc3Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

       if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tb3_skv.Text) | String.IsNullOrEmpty(tb3_kva.Text) | String.IsNullOrEmpty(tb3_z.Text))
     MessageBox.Show("Enter all required values", "Missing Data", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
 } //If user does not enter all the values required for the calculation show error message box

  if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tb3_skv.Text) & !String.IsNullOrEmpty(tb3_kva.Text) & !String.IsNullOrEmpty(tb3_z.Text))

  { //If motor load check box is not checked and required values are entered calculate AIC based on formula.
   int y; 
   decimal x, z, a;
   x = decimal.Parse(tb3_skv.Text);      
   y = int.Parse(tb3_kva.Text);
   a = decimal.Parse(tb3_z.Text);
   z = (y * 1000) / (x * 1.732050808m) / (a / 100); //the m at the end of the decimal allows for the multiplication of decimals
   tb3_aic.Text = z.ToString();
   tb3_aic.Text = Math.Round(z,0).ToString();

  if (cb3_ml.Checked==true) 
  {//If Motor Load CB is checked calculate the following
   int y, b;
   decimal x, z, a;
   x = decimal.Parse(tb3_skv.Text);
   y = int.Parse(tb3_kva.Text);
   a = decimal.Parse(tb3_z.Text);
   b = int.Parse(tb3_ml.Text);
   z = ((y * 1000) / (x * 1.732050808m) / (a / 100))+((b / 100)*(6*y)/(x*1.732050808m)*1000);
   tb3_aic.Text = z.ToString();
   tb3_aic.Text = Math.Round(z,5).ToString();


I am grateful for any help that can be provided.

Thank you, Greg Rutledge

+3  A: 

Change this:

int y, b;

To this:

int y;
decimal b;

and it works, according to this test:

    public void Test2()
        int y;
        decimal b;
        decimal x, z, a;
        decimal z1, z2;
        x = 480m;
        y = 2500;
        a = 5.75m;
        b = 10;
        z1 = ((y * 1000) / (x * 1.732050808m) / (a / 100));
        z2 = ((b / 100) * (6 * y) / (x * 1.732050808m) * 1000);
        z = z1 + z2;
        Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", z1, z2);
        Console.WriteLine(Math.Round(z, 0).ToString());

The reason is that integer 10 divided by integer 100 is integer 0, which zero's the whole z2.

David B
I changed all of the variables to decimal. is there any reason to leave y an int???
No reason at all.
David B

I don't know if this is huge but you are setting the text of the tb3_aic textbox twice when maybe you are trying to concatenate?

tb3_aic.Text = z.ToString();
tb3_aic.Text = Math.Round(z,0).ToString();

You seem to be doing this in both methods.

The more that I look at it, this could be an issue since you are setting it in the first if then the second If will overwrite that if the checkbox is checked.

Programmin Tool
If the second formula overwrites the output of the first it is ok since the second formula will produce a different answer. How could I consolidate?
Never mind, I see. I am deleting the first text set.
+5  A: 

Without really knowing what the problem is, a few things look a bit odd:

  • Also, mixing decimal and int in a calculation can lead to unexpected results unless you really know what you are doing. I suggest using only decimals (or doubles, which are way faster and usually have enough precision for engineering computations).
  • You also set tb3_aic.Text twice, I assume you decided on rounding later and forgot to remove the first one.

Edit: This is apparently wrong in C#:

  • You use bit-wise AND (&) in the if-clause where you probably mean logical AND (&&).

The only difference between them when used with boolean operands are that && short circuits (doesn't evaluate the right operand if the left is false). I learned something, thank you people commenting. :)

+1 for mixing decimal and int calculations - that's where I'd look first.
Gavin Miller
The first point is wrong. They're logical operators not bitwise in this context.
Will Dean
Mixing decimal and int was the problem. I changed it and the formula calculated correctly. Thank you very much for that!
I would remove the incorrect statement about the bitwise entirely

Sample Inputs, first formula x = 480 y = 2500 a = 5.75

For the first formula the output should be 52296

Sample Inputs, second formula x = 480 y = 2500 a = 5.75 b = 10

For the first formula the output should be 54100.42

Hope this helps


this line isn't needed, although its not a bug, it just always evaluates to true

if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tb3_skv.Text) & !String.IsNullOrEmpty(tb3_kva.Text) & !String.IsNullOrEmpty(tb3_z.Text)) {