I have two working threads.I have locked both with a same lock, but threadB is getting executed before threadA, so exception came.I locked both using the same lock object.Thread B is using delegate function.How can I solve the issue.
Detailed Information:
I have a class called StateSimulation
Inside that there are two functions called
a) OnSimulationCollisionReset
b) OnSimulationProgressEvent
Implementation is like this:
private void OnSimulationCollisionReset()
Thread XmlReset = new Thread(XmlResetFn);
private void OnSimulationProgressEvent()
DataStoreSingleTon.Instance.IsResetCompleted = true;
Thread ThrdSimulnProgress = new Thread(SimulnProgress);
where SimulnProgress()
and XmlResetFn()
are as follows:
private void SimulnProgress()
//uses a delegate
private void XmlResetFn()
In which OnSimulationProgressEvent()
is using a delegate function.
Both showSimulationProgress
and ResetXML...()
uses a same resource FPBArrayList
My requirement is SimulationProgressEvent()
should work only after Reset..()
. In resetXML..()
I clear the FPBList
In SimulationProgress()
I access FPBList[i]
where i:0--->size;
I have locked both functions using a same lock object.I expected, reset()
will complete first. But after entering to reset, before complete reset, showProgress()
started and exception occured..
How to solve my issue?
This is how I locked the functions
public System.Object lockThis = new System.Object();
private void SimulnProgress()
lock (lockThis)
private void XmlResetFn()
lock (lockThis)
Please give a solution. Regards Nidhin KR