



I have downloaded a pack link text/ and after adding an action to those defined, I am still unable to use this new one. Everything I did was adding the same action but different name in struts-view.xml in the same package as action "formExample":

<action name="formExample2" class="org.apache.struts2.portlet.example.FormExample" method="input">
    <result name="input">

Then I put url to action at invitation page with this in view/index.jsp so it below the additional invocation "formExample2" to :

<li><a href="<s:url action="formExample2"/>">A simple form</a></li>

After I try to run this new function, apache liferay 5 sp3 throws this exception:

14:14:15,561 ERROR [org.apache.struts2.portlet.dispatcher.Jsr168Dispatcher] Could not find action
There is no Action mapped for namespace /view and action name formExample2. - [unknown location]
    at com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionProxy.prepare(

I do not know how it is possible that with same configuration something like that takes place..Sorry for my english. Has anybody an idea where is the error?