



i made a jquery modal.

am trying to populate data using Ajax inside modal.

I am getting an id , using that i wanna populate data using AJax.

how shud i call ajax on click event...

is there any other event the modal is open or loaded...

modal is just a div show hide thing...


Simply using:


  $('a.pop').click(function() { 
    var popID = $(this).attr('rel');
    $.get('content.php', { ref:popID }, function(data) {
       alert('Load was performed.');
    return false; // prevent default


<div id="example" class="flora" title="This is my title">
    I'm in a dialog!
    <div id="exampleContainer"></div>
<a href="#" id="clickingEvent" class="pop" rel="example">click to launch</a>

It is not tested, but as I see it, it should work...

Garis Suero
yes its working... i am new to jquery .. now its getting using .get. btw wats the difference in jquery using get and post...?php get post i know. can i get variables of a form using post with out submiting using jqueryposy?? asking foolishly!!!am using get and its working now.
The GET and the POST, are the same in JQUERY and PHP, as it is independent from any language, it's part of the http protocol. Please see this link:
Garis Suero

You almost have it, you need to prevent the default action which is to follow the href in the link, so add either event.preventDefault() or return false, like this:

$('a.pop').click(function(e) {                     //add e param
  var popID = $(this).attr('rel'),
      popURL = $(this).attr('href');
  $.get("content.php", { ref:id}, function(data) { //did you mean popID here?
    alert("Data Loaded: "+data ); 
  e.preventDefault(); //or return false;           //prevent default action
Nick Craver