I've recently installed Ironpython + tools and having trouble loading external modules (numpy).
this is my test code:
import numpy
when writing my simple test, intellisense can find numpy, however when it's run from vs2010, I get:
ImportException was unhandled by user code:
No module named numpy
IronPython Console output (shortened):
numpy\__init__.py line 141
numpy\add_newdocs.py line 9
numpy\lib\__init__.py line 4
numpy\lib\type_check.py line 8
numpy\core\__init__.py line 5
ImportError: No module named multiarray
the file multiarray.pyd is present in numpy\core.
I have numpy installed in my python 2.6 folder, (working). In an attempt to use it within ironpython, Following the instructions of numerous sources:
I've added "C:\Python26\Lib\" as a Search path to the project.
I've copied the site-packages, libs, include and DLLs folders from C:\Python26\ to C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.6 for .NET 4.0\
and I've added:
to the IronPython site.py file.
I've also tried this with both x86 and AMD64 installs, including a complete reinstall of both python versions and ironpython.
Having run completely out of ideas (and the somewhat lackluster google results), I was hoping that someone here may have some suggestions.
Thanks Rabit