I have a result set returned from a database that takes a few seconds to run. To increase performance I'm going to cache the results for up to 30 minutes. The call to the database takes a date parameter, a date within the next 60 days that the user selects from a calendar.
Here is a code sample that uses a list of strings to keep the example simple:
public List<String> GetConcertList(DateTime selectedDate)
String cacheKey;
cacheKey = "ConcertList" + selectedDate.Date.Ticks.ToString();
List<String> concertList = HttpContext.Current.Cache[cacheKey] as List<String>;
if (concertList == null)
// Normally this is the call to the database that passes the selected date
concertList.Add("Just a test for " + selectedDate.ToString());
HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, concertList, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(30),
return concertList;
Is there a better approach then using the date in the key to cache each day's list?