I grabbed a bunch of SQL IDs I need to update with Python and PyODBC:
import pyodbc
cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DSN=YesOne;PWD=xxx')
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT ID FROM One.dbo.Two WHERE STATUS = 'OnGoing' AND ID = ''")
I have a second bit of code that updates the IDs:
cursor.execute("Update One.dbo.Two SET STATUS = 'Completed', Modified = 'Today' WHERE ID = '1051'")
The problem is when I view the IDs grabbed in Python earlier I get either:
row = cursor.fetchall()
f row:
print row
[(1016, ), (1017, ), (1019, ), (1020, ), (1021, ), (1025, ), (1026, ), (1027, ), (1029, ), (1048, ), (1049, )]
if row:
print row[3]
(1020, )
I need just the number so I can run my second part of the script for the:
WHERE ID = '1051'"
part. I tried with:
count = len(row)
while count > 0:
newrow = row[count-1]
print 'SELECT ID FROM One.dbo.Two WHERE ID = ' + str(newrow)
count = count-1
and it gave me:
SELECT ID FROM One.dbo.Two WHERE ID = (1049, )
SELECT ID FROM One.dbo.Two WHERE ID = (1048, )
And I tried:
and I got:
'1017, )'
How do I strip the characters from the ID so I can reuse the ID?