I'm calling $("#foobar").css("line-height")
and getting back "normal". How do I translate this to a pixel amount? Is "normal" defined in the CSS spec or is it browser specific?
2Normal is actually referred to as abnormal
on several instances as there is quite a browser inconsistency.
declaring line-height: normal not only vary from browser to browser, which I had expected—in fact, quantifying those differences was the whole point—but they also vary from one font face to another, and can also vary within a given face.
is a valid setting for line-height
so there isn't really a way around that for the browsers that will return that.
Alternatively, you can use .css('height')
, as it will count only the interior section of an element, not padding/border/margin. It would take a little creativity if you had a multi-line element, or an element with more than just text in it.
Edit: An example of a work around would be having
<span id='def' style='line-height:inherit;display:none;'> </span>
within the element, then to find the line height you could just use the .height()
of #def as it will always be only one line and thus, the line height of the parent element.
Chrome in Windows XP is an example of a browser that returns normal
in that jsfiddle unless explicitly specified otherwise. Firefox returns a pixel count. normal
is the initial value per w3 spec.